05 August 2010


I tried the most delicious aperitif the other night at Laurelhurst Market. I intially ordered a glass of Lillet Blanc over ice, but having run out of my selection the barkeep suggested that I try a glass of Cocchi over ice. He explained that Cocchi is a reproduction of the original recipe for Kina Lillet, before the French purveyor changed the recipe in 1986 to rid the drink of its bitterness entirely, dropping the "kina" from the name. An Italian company later branded the old recipe under a new name Cocchi, pronounced "coh-key." According to the T magazine, Cocchi, like Lillet is produced from "moscato d’asti, a sweet white wine fortified with a touch of brandy, then flavored with gentian, cinchona bark and other bittering aromatics, along with orange peels and herbs."In the Cocchi version, the grapefruity bitterness of the cinchona bark makes for a richer flavor profile and a pleasant aftertaste.

[1. c. lynn]

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