19 September 2010

little plant

While we're away, we were planning on having guests stay at our place. Although plans have since changed, I am very pleased having pulled together a helpful 'home manual' or 'guest information packet' after being inspired by this version by Lifehacker. I intend to leave it out (just in case) for friends who have graciously volunteered to mind our plants while we're gone.

I know it sounds a little OCD to pull one together, but it's actually very helpful. What do you do in a hotel room when you want to figure out the wireless internet password or where the hair dryer is kept or where the to find the nearest dry cleaner—you use the guest information packet of course.

Although I modified the manual to include plant care and a few other helpful insights, I can really vouch for its handiness. I remember staying at a friend's house in Tokyo, trying to figure out where she kept extra blankets, how to operate the heating/cooling system that looked like it was manufactured in the 70s (and in Japanese!), how to use the washer/dryer which was actually a dual use machine, and how to prepare the recycling as the Japanese have very strict procedures about this and incorrectly disposing of things might upset neighbors.

If you keep the guest manual in a binder, you could also use this as the perfect place to store appliance manuals, take-out menus, paint chips for each room, the business cards for handypersons, electricians, plumbers, arborists, etc. Just use tabs, label, use business card binder pages, and organize.

[1. c. lynn]

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