04 September 2010

summer squash couscous

summer squash saute

Like many of you, I am preparing for a summer barbecue tonight at a friend's house. It's a potluck-style get-together and it seems as though most summer favorites are already on the menu (corn on the cob, burgers, hot dogs). I thought it would be good to add a vegetarian dish to the mix to appeal to everyone.

I altered this recipe for a summer squash couscous from Food 52 slightly with the addition of dried cranberries (instead of sultanasa personal taste thing) and doubled it to feed eight people as a side dish.

Yum! You get a toasted flavor from the sauteed pistachios, a sweet and tart chew from the dried cranberries, an al dente bite from the golden and green zucchini, a zap of green color and freshness from the mint, and a comforting grain flavor and texture that ties everything together. I think it's winning side that can be served slightly warm, at room temperature or slightly chilled.

[1-2. c. lynn]

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