01 August 2010

blue cheese 2

Lately A. has been obsessed with retro-inspired iceberg wedge salads, which he can find pretty easily around our neighborhood. The iceberg lettuce benefits greatly from the buttery tang of the blue cheese and for a blue cheese fiend, it's a much healthier option than springing for hot wings just for the dip.

Although, I've yet to perfect the wedge at home, I have found the perfect cheese for it—Winsconsin's Roth Käse Buttermilk Blue. This mild blue combines all of the typical characteristics of a blue with a creamy consistency that makes folding it into a dressing a cinch.

Another great blue to try is King Island Dairy's Roaring Forties Blue from Australia. This blue cheese is begging to join the usual suspects on your cheese board. The cheese is mild, nutty, and almost sweet like cream. It's so pleasant that you should encourage all of the blue cheese skeptics you know to try it
—it just may be their gateway blue.

[1. c. lynn]

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