08 May 2010

Kiosk has some fun Icelandic candy on sale. I can't say that I tried the candy while I was in Reykjavik last summerwe were just trying to get ourselves used to being back on land after being at sea for 3 weeksbut some of these bars sound delicious. Reading the descriptions of each candy from Kiosk owners, Aliso Grifo and Marco Romeny, is almost as fun as trying them yourself.

A 'Rullur' looks like a 'Ruler' when it is unrolled. We measured it and the length is hovering at one foot so our conclusion is 'Rullur' equals 'Ruler' although the literal translation is 'Reels.' The only way to eat a 'Rullur' is to quickly devourer it with your two front teeth like a crazy rabbit or lawnmower. Bite bite bite fast. As far as taste, it tastes like licorice! Good and soft too!"

[1-4. Kiosk]

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