17 May 2010

Just as a friend teasingly asked if I had taken to wearing pumpkin loafers and overalls after leaving New York for what they consider "the country" in Portland, I was prescribed a quick dose of the pleasures of northwestern civilization through the high art of coffee-making at Barista by my lovely and sympathetic fiancé.

At Barista, a simple cup of coffee has been elevated to a craft with a refined process and an attention to the smallest detail that is clearly evident at first sip. Serving only the finest in coffee beans including Intelligentsia, Stumptown, and Coava, it is a far cry from having a cup of joe in the sticks
or in Manhattan five years ago.

Oh you almost had me, my clever and dearest Manhattanites! But the sun is shining in Portland, the air is fresh, and I have the most fantastic, micro-roasted cappuccino in my hands.

[1-4. Barista]

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